Stomas: What You Need to Know
January 6, 2017
Each stoma is unique. Get more information on the different types of stoma and learn the ideal characteristics of a healthy stoma.
January 6, 2017
Each stoma is unique. Get more information on the different types of stoma and learn the ideal characteristics of a healthy stoma.
August 17, 2016
Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist and fellow ostomate Laura Cox shares her most frequently asked ostomy patient questions (and she gives you the answers, too). Editor’s note: in her blog series, Ostomy Lifestyle Specialist Laura Cox, Shield HeatlhCare, shares lifestyle tips and information with fellow ostomates. After being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at the age of eighteen, […]
June 16, 2016
(Adapted from About Ostomies: Ostomy 101 by Shield Healthcare) A comprehensive guide to the different ostomy types, including colostomies, ileostomies, and urostomies. Do you know your ostomy types? There are three kinds of bowel or bladder ostomies, and with this handy guide, you can brush up on each one – including the multiple sub-types. But […]
March 18, 2016
This overview details the five main categories of peristomal skin complications that wound specialists commonly treat in ostomy patients. If you’ve worked with ostomy patients for any length of time, you know that maintaining a proper seal can be difficult once the peristomal skin (the skin surrounding a stoma) has been compromised. The resulting complications […]