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Shingles: Treatment and Managing Pain

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Clinicians can help relieve patient pain and discomfort caused by shingles with these treatment options. Did you know that one in three people in the United States is affected by shingles? This common and very painful skin condition also happens to be made worse by stress – like hospitalization and other chronic illnesses. As clinicians, […]

Wound Care and Epibole: It’s All About the Edge

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

How do you spot an unhealthy wound edge? Learn more about the causes, prevention and treatment of epibole. When it comes to treating epibole, it’s all about knowing what a healthy wound edge looks like – and being able to spot signs of trouble. This basic overview includes epibole causes, prevention and treatment. We’ll have […]

9 Wound Care Documentation Pitfalls to Avoid

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Lawsuits often are settled out of court because the medical record documentation is not defensible. Incomplete, illogical, and inconsistent records are far too common, so it is important to avoid the common pitfalls. After reviewing hundreds of medical charts involved in litigation, I noticed many of the same problems occurring in the wound care documentation […]

Wound Care Challenge: Skin Folds and ITD

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

How to identify and treat intertriginous dermatitis (ITD) within the skin folds among obese patients. Statistics show that more than one in three adults in the U.S. are obese (BMI>30). Patients within this population often have skin folds in many areas of the body, especially under the arms, in the groin, under the breasts, and […]

What’s New in Wound Care? Meet Our Fantastic Four

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Check out these four new and cutting-edge wound treatments that’ll have you excited and ready for the future. When it comes to wound care, there are some incredible developments in progress that might just blow your mind. In fact, these new products and wound treatments are so cutting-edge, they sound like they’re straight out of […]

Disappointed by Debridement

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Plaintiffs often express shock and disbelief after eschar is removed, which often leaves a wound larger than the original size of the eschar. Wound photo: “Stage 4 decubitus displaying the Gluteus medius muscle attached to the crest of the ilium” by Bobjgalindo is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “We were in shock and couldn’t believe our […]

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