Pressure Injuries posts
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Real World Pressure Injuries: Staging Can Be Tricky

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

This wound care Q&A answers five of the most common questions about pressure injury staging dilemmas (that you probably didn’t learn from textbooks). In the world of wound care, just as in real life, the phrase, “Expect the unexpected” couldn’t be more appropriate. Clinicians can do everything exactly by the book, only to find that […]

Will the Real Pressure Ulcer Please Stand Up?

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

How to know the difference between Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) and pressure injury. As wound care clinicians, we treat our patients to the best of our ability and heal wounds – that’s what we do. But unfortunately, even under the best of circumstances, facility-acquired pressure injuries happen. And we have to document them … because […]

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