Trimming Those Tricky Diabetic Toenails
By WCEI Content Team
March 7, 2013
You are getting ready to trim your diabetic patients toenails. What exactly does that all involve? Well, first you need the proper tools for diabetic toenails. A set of toenail nippers, nail file, and orange stick are typically used. Always follow your facility or healthcare’s settings policy for infection control. Single use disposable equipment is […]
Why I Became a Wound Care Certified Nurse
By Diana Ramirez-Ripp
December 13, 2010
An interesting question has been posed of me recently, and when I reflected upon it, I realize now that I've been asked this question thousands of times. The question was "Why did you become a Wound Care Certified Nurse?
Wound Measurement and Documentation
By Diana Ramirez-Ripp
January 18, 2010
Wound Measurement and Documentation is a daily task the wound care professionals utilize in their practice. There are various tools like flow sheets, tracing materials, measuring tapes, skin markers, labels, and other products specifically designed for wound assessment, measurement and documentation. There are varying types of documentation methods from print to electronic, digital photography to […]