Diabetic Wound Management posts
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Diabetic Toenails: Top Tips for Proper Trimming

By Angie Commorato

Check out these best practices for trimming your diabetic patient’s toenails to help prevent foot ulceration. Did you know that a whopping 10-25% percent of all patients with diabetes ultimately develop a foot ulcer – a diagnosis that brings a five-year mortality rate of nearly 50%? Consistent foot care, such as regular screenings, footwear assessment […]

Diabetic Foot Screening Guide

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Five clinical tests for diagnosing loss of protective sensation in the diabetic foot, plus tips on inflammation assessment. How serious are diabetic foot ulcers? The statistics are sobering: It is estimated that between 10 and 25% of patients with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer in their lifetime. Diabetic foot ulcers precede 84% of all lower […]

Diabetic Footwear: If The Shoe Fits, Wear It

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

When it comes to diabetic wound care, footwear matters – and proper diabetic patient shoe assessment is key. Wound clinicians know how devastating foot amputations are for diabetic patients. But what you might not know is that a whopping 50% of diabetic foot amputations are a direct result of patients wearing improper footwear. Surprised? Unfortunately, […]

Diabetic Wound Care: Monofilament Testing

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Detecting neuropathy in the diabetic foot is crucial for patient care, which is why the 10-step monofilament test is a must when it comes to injury and ulceration prevention. Healing patients and helping them get on the road to recovery are always at the top of any wound clinician’s list. We are always on alert […]

Dry Skin Alert: Foot Xerosis in Diabetic Patients

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Diabetic wound management requires awareness, including knowing the signs and progression of xerosis – an abnormal dryness of skin. Patients with diabetes are prone to dry skin, particularly when blood glucose levels are running high. And as a clinician, one of the most common types of skin conditions you will see in your diabetic patients […]

Why ABI?

By Diana Ramirez-Ripp

What exactly is an ABI?  ABI stands for Ankle Brachial Index. This is a non-invasive bedside tool that compares the systolic blood pressure of the ankle to that of the arm. It is done to rule out Peripheral Arterial Disease in the lower extremities. The ABI is considered the “bedside” gold standard diagnostic test and […]

Trimming Those Tricky Diabetic Toenails

By WCEI Content Team

You are getting ready to trim your diabetic patients toenails. What exactly does that all involve? Well, first you need the proper tools for diabetic toenails. A set of toenail nippers, nail file, and orange stick are typically used. Always follow your facility or healthcare’s settings policy for infection control. Single use disposable equipment is […]

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