Wound Assessment & Documentation posts
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Lower Extremity Ulcers and the Toe Brachial Pressure Index

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

To treat patients with lower extremity ulcers, you need to find out if there’s impaired arterial blood flow. For some patients, however, the standard Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) yields misleading results. Fortunately, there’s an easy alternative: the Toe Brachial Pressure Index (TBPI).  Here’s when and how to perform this simple test. When confronting a lower […]

9 Wound Care Documentation Pitfalls to Avoid

By Keisha Smith, MA, CWCMS

Lawsuits often are settled out of court because the medical record documentation is not defensible. Incomplete, illogical, and inconsistent records are far too common, so it is important to avoid the common pitfalls. After reviewing hundreds of medical charts involved in litigation, I noticed many of the same problems occurring in the wound care documentation […]

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